Hi guys and girls
! I’m sure that many of you have heard about a popular greek sauce called tzatziki. In poland you can find products for making it by yourself. Today, we’ll tell you how to prepare it, and if it’s really so delicious.

Even though tzatziki and mizeria contains similar ingredients, you better not tell a Greek person that these two are the same. Greeks associate mizeria with something miserable and terrible. The main difference is the way of cutting cucumber. For tzatziki sauce you need to grate cucumber and season it with intensive-flavoured spices. Here’s the recipe:
Two salad cucumbers or one greenhouse cucumber
Two tablespoons of white wine vinegar
One clove of garlic
One tablespoon of olive oil extra vergine
350 g greek yoghurt
One tablespoon of chopped dill
For decorations: Black olives, dill
How to prepare:
Wash cucumber, grate ad peel it. Mix it with one tablespoon of wine vinegar. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Peel the garlic, squeeze it through the press and mix it with olie oil. Combine the oil with garlic, yoghurt and tablespoon of vinegar and cucumber juice. Season it with salt and pepper. Mix it with chopped dill.

The biggest difference between mizeria and tzatziki is the taste. Mizeria is sweet and seasoned with vinegar, which is characteristic for this dish. Every Polish loves mizeria. Cucumber is cut into slices and that is what makes it a perfect salad and addition for the dinner. Here’s the recipe from my grandma:
300 g cucumber
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of chopped dill
3 tablespoons of green onion
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
150 g thick sour cream 18%